• Can I cancel or amend my order?

    If you change your mind after purchasing an item and it has not yet been dispatched, we will be happy to refund the item. If the item has already been dispatched the item will need to be returned before a refund can be made. Please email us with your order number and name to info.lohasnz@gmail.com.

  • What if my item is damaged?

    If you’ve received a damaged or faulty product, please notify us immediately by emailing us at info.lohasnz@gmail.com with your order details and we’ll help you get it sorted out.

  • Can I get my order gift wrapped?

    Yes! We will be happy to gift wrap your orders for you if it is a gift. Please just make sure to email us at info.lohasnz@gmail.com with your order details once making your order.

  • It's been over two weeks and I still haven't received my order, what can I do?

    Usually orders can take up to 5 business days having unusual delays in mind, however if it has been over two weeks (14 business days) and you have not received your order, please let us know immediately by emailing info.lohasnz@gmail.com with your order details and we’ll look into it for you.

  • Are your products medically tested?

    No. We recommend you seek professional medical advice before taking any of the supplements on our website. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further details on this.

  • How can I return my order?

    In the event that a product you have purchased online is not suitable, we would be pleased coordinate a return, free of charge.

    To make a return, kindly contact us so we may provide you with a prepaid return postal label. Upon receiving the return, we will process the refund to the original method of payment.

    All returns must be made within thirty days of purchase.

  • What if I have an adverse reaction to a product?

    All supplement ingredients have the potential to irritate sensitive skin regardless of the amount present in an individual product or the method in which it is used.

    Irritations can sometimes occur in the regular course of our daily lives, even where we have used and enjoyed a product successfully for many years. The trigger for a reaction can be an unexpected one and may not necessarily repeat itself in the same way. We ask that you consider any changes to your regular routine that may have triggered the reaction (dietary, contact with possible allergens such as household cleaning liquids etc.).

    Where one experiences an adverse reaction to any health supplements, the best course of action is to discontinue use and if necessary, consult your medical practitioner to establish whether you have experienced an irritation or an allergy.

    In the unlikely event that you experience an adverse reaction to one of our supplement product, please discontinue use and return it to the place of purchase. Do not hesitate to contact us with the details of your reaction.

  • How do I reset my password?

    You can reset your password by selecting 'Forgotten Password' in the log in section.

  • How can I enhance my security when I shop online?

    LohasNZ endeavours to ensure the safety of your personal information when visiting our online store, however, there are additional security measures we advise our customers to adopt in order to enhance online security.

    These include:

    - Ensuring your internet browser is up-to-date with the latest version

    - Choosing unique passwords, keeping them private, and changing them frequently

    - Investing in a reputable anti-virus software program and ensuring all updates are installed

    If you are ever concerned that you have been the victim of fraudulent activity, contact your bank immediately to ensure your credit cards are cancelled.